
Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

Causes and How to overcome of The Acne

Have you ever wondered about what are the causes of acne can appear in the skin someone? And how to deal with acne is already emerging?
For those of you who have acne problems, here I will discuss some of the causes of acne and how to treat acne timbulny.
Actually, we can indeed treat acne, but it would be much better if we prevent acne has arisen, right? Like the saying goes, it's better to prevent than to treat. Because true acne is already hard to increase it to a full recovery, alias only reduce it.
With you to prevent acne facial skin, you indirectly means also avoiding the face of other facial skin problems, such as black spots, black spots and a face that is not bright.
Well here are some of the main causes of a person experiencing acne:
• Touching the skinIt turned out to touch the skin can also cause acne arise loo ???? This is because a person is sensitive facial skin with your hands, especially hands dirty.
would be much better if before you touch the skin wash your hands first.
• Genetic factorsAcne someone could arise due to heredity or genetic factors, most of a person who has a parent then the child will be contagious pustular acne also when already stepping adolescence.
• Lifestyle FactorsFactors causing breakouts hereinafter someone is due to an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep and your example terlelu mostly smoke can also cause the appearance of acne on the face.
• Dietary factorsThere are so many foods that can cause your acne to appear, and one of the foods most dominating cause of acne is a lot of food contained fat and high calories.
Such as, beans, yellow part of the egg, fried foods and many other foods.
• Keselahan choosing cosmeticsOne of the causes which then is because you choose the type of cosmetics that do not match your skin type, therefore you try to choose wisely before purchasing cosmetics.
One of the problems that often arise as a result of wear of beauty products that are not in accordance with the skin type is, will face blackheads, red kidney damaged, porous and of course acne.
My advice to prevent it all, consult a doctor before buying beauty beauty products, and buy a product that already has a distribution license produki that will not harm your beauty.
• StressTurns Stress can also trigger acne on the face, this is due to increased levels of androgens (hormones that can trigger the appearance of blackheads). As we know that blackheads if not addressed can also cause acne.
That is the cause of acne. Then, How can I fix this?Here, then I will discuss how to overcome acne.
Acne caused by internal factors
Indeed, our bodies will naturally produce an oil glands, oil glands later can make your skin moist alias is not easy to dry and dull, but if the production of oil glands in the body of excessive then this is what will make the onset of acne problem on your face. So to overcome it, you can do the hard way not classified as below.
• Expand the consumption of foods containing high fiberType of food fruits and vegetables that contain fiber tingggi can keep you from bad fats can help the system work or the body to dissolve the bad fats stubborn acne on the face. Well it also can reduce the oil naturally produced by our bodies each.• Avoid eat, which contains a lot of fatWherever possible you should avoid foods that are putting a lot of fat, while one of the foods that are as follows: Brown, fried foods, yogurt, nuts, crackers, fries and many more foods containing oils Lianya. Well if you mengkosnsumsi meal that contains bad fats above, it could lead to the process of oil production in the body is increasing as well. With rising oil prosuksi it can also lead to clogged pores and consequently jerawatpun will easily grow.• Consumption of waterThe white water was already known to be beneficial for the health of internal organs in the human body. Besides being able to help the body's metabolic processes, water is also beneficial both for the regeneration of our skin cells so that of course is also good for cleaning dirt attached on our face.
Acne caused by external factors• Using HoneyHoney is already familiar ears of lovers of skin care, and one of the ingredients that are beneficial to the health of the body, honey can also be useful to eliminate acne-naturally. As for how the application of honey is: prepare pure honey, then apply to the area of ​​your face covered with acne, basting can use the media help of cotton, let stand for a while not directly in the flush alian used as a mask around 15-20 menitan. Well after the honey be left clinging 15-20 minutes you can wash your face. Do this before you want to sleep.• Skin Orange and Lemon FruitHow to apply:# Prepare the lemon and orange peel skin# Mash until smooth skin# Mix water into the skin before collision# The next step was to apply a mixture of materials that pimply face area.# Do not wash out but let stand about 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly using a towel to wipe smooth# In wiping do kencang2 yet quite ditepuk2 only.# Do this routine until your acne disappear.• Papaya fruitPapaya is rich in vitamins are very useful for the skin and digestion our bodies, but papaya was also able to get rid of acne naturally lo, while the way is as follows: puree of papaya fruit in a way diblaber, then oleskanlah papaya smoothed earlier to an area of ​​your acne , wait and let stand papaya was attached approximately 15 minutes and wipe your face.• Egg whitesHow to remove acne latter is to use egg whites. This method is relatively simple and is similar to using honey, but it smells a little fishy. As for how utilization is dab egg white is we separate area to the entire face, because in addition to get rid of pimples, white eggs are also good for facial skin tightening. Allow the egg white mask formerly approximately 30-40 minutes and rinse with clean water, then tepuk2 face with a soft towel to dry. This method is best done before you go to bed.Now that some of the causes of the problem of acne and how to overcome them.Hopefully the above tips can help you overcome the acne problem troubling.

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